Acts 435 – an online resource for financial giving to specific needs in our local community
Acts 435 is based on the book of Acts Chapter 4 and verse 35 where we see the early church giving to each as any had need. Acts 435 takes that from a local setting to connect people more widely through the internet, to provide fast, financial help for people in poverty.
We have recently joined Acts 435 which is a resource for our church serving those in need in our local community. Opportunities can arise through ministries our church runs such as Foodbank, Little Steps, Disabled Christian Fellowship or through contacts we have with the local schools through Open the Book.
www.acts435.org.uk is the website connecting those in need with those who want to help whilst protecting donor anonymity and applicant confidentiality. It is an opportunity to provide practical help for specific items in a simple way.
If you would like to know more, or know of anyone who has a financial need of up to £150, please make contact with the Church Office (01603 701502 / email office@witardroadbaptist.org.uk) or speak to Chrissie who is the WRBC Advocate for Acts 435.
Click to go directly to the Acts 435 website to find out more about how you can get involved