Mission – all that we do at WRBC is mission-orientated. We have lots of specific areas of outreach within our neighbourhood as well as a number of projects overseas that we support.

Dave and Michele Mahon and family are serving in Peru, based in Iquitos, they are working alongside the Loreto Association of Baptist Churches as they look to implement a sustainability plan over the coming years.
Our BMS Link Missionaries (Baptist Missionary Society). We now support 2 families, as below:

Operation Agri
A development charity which supports Christian-led rural and urban development projects in three continents showing the love of Jesus in action by attacking the basic causes of poverty amongst some of the most disadvantaged people of the world regardless of their religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
To read the latest Operation Agri magazine which has lots of interesting articles about visits to see work in action in Pakistan and Uganda click here: https://www.operationagri.org.uk/magazine/
Home Mission
Home Mission is all about helping Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to communities. It is the ‘Baptist Family Purse’ and each year our union has an appeal to raise money for Home Mission.